
Monday, April 22, 2013

Openwave Mobility turns a corner ?

Busy week for Openwave Mobility. As a reader of this blog, you will have lamented over the trials and tribulations of Openwave over the last two years.

The company seems to officially have turned a corner this week. Openwave always had a good strategic vision of the evolution of mobile data services and their business model. The internal crisis the company has been through had considerably slowed down its ability to execute. 

Since its divestiture to Marlin Equity Partner, the company seems to have engineered a come back, going back to the basics of focusing on its core competencies, while partnering with leading vendors for complete solutions offering. The latest announcements (here and here) show a maturing capacity to provide innovative traffic steering and video monetization capabilities that have been greatly needed in the ecosystem. Partnering with Sandvine (TSX:SVC) is smart as it allows both independent companies to provide an attractive solution offering, countering the likes of Allot and ByteMobile with a best of breed partnership vs. in house development / acquisition.

As announced previously, it is inevitable that traffic management, optimization and charging function should merge, when it comes to video as illustrated by the various moves in this market.

You can read more about Openwave Mobility strategy and ambitions in this space in my report.

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