Last year’s report had a complete review of all ETSI NFV
proof of concepts, their participants, aim and achievements. This year, I
propose a short statistical analysis of the 38 PoCs proposed to date. This
analysis provides some interesting insights on where the NFV challenges stand
today and who are the active participants in their resolution.
- 21 service providers participate in 38 PoCs at ETSI NFV
- 36% of service providers are in EMEA and responsible for 52% of trials, 41% in APAC, responsible for 25% of trials and 23% in North America, responsible for 23% of trials.
Out of 38 PoCs, only 31% have seen an active participation
from one or several operators, the rest of the PoCs have seen operators take a
back seat and either lend their name to the process (at least one operator must
be involved for a PoC to be validated) or provide high level requirements and
feedback. The most active operators have been Deutsche Telekom and NTT, but
only on the first PoCs in 2014. After that operator’s participation
has been spotty, suggesting that those heavily involved at the beginning of the
process have moved on to private PoCs and trials. Since the Q1 2015, 50% of
PoCs see direct operator involvement, ranging from Orchestration, NFVI or VIM
with operators who are mostly new to NFV, suggesting a second wave of service
providers are getting into the fray with a more hands-on approach.
Figure 36: Operators activity in PoC
Out of the 52 operators participating in the 38 Pocs, Telefonica,
AT&T and BT, DT, NTT, Vodafone account for 62% of all PoCs, while other
operators have only been involved in one PoC or are just starting. Telefonica has
been the most active overall, but with all of its involvement in 2014, no new
PoC participation in 2015. AT&T has been involved throughout 2014 and has
only recently restarted a PoC in 2015. British Telecom has been the most
regular since the start of the program with in average close to one PoC per
Figure 37: ETSI NFV PoC operators’ participation
On the vendors’ front, 87 vendors and academic institutions
have participated to date to the PoCs, led by HP and Intel (found respectively
in 8% of PoCs). The second tier of participants includes, in descending order, Brocade,
Alcatel Lucent, Huawei, red hat and Cisco, who are represented in between 5 and
3% of the PoCs. Overwhelmingly, in 49% of the cases, vendors participated to
only one PoC.
The most interesting statistics in my mind is showing that
squarely half of the PoCs are using SDN for virtual networking or VIM and the
same proportion (but not necessarily the same PoCs) have deployed a VNF
orchestrator in some form.
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