
Open RAN RICs and Apps 2024


In 2024, Open RAN has emerged as one of the most promising and disruptive innovations in telecoms.

As the first layer of disaggregation has split the gNodeB into the Radio Units, Centralized Units and Distributed Units, an ecosystem of vendors has emerged, addressing each or all the parts of this new architecture. That first layer of disaggregation was aimed at disrupting the traditional RAN ecosystem, breaking the oligopoly of vendors that have come to dominate the market.
The next stage of disaggregation is aimed at disrupting further the market, by introducing elements of vendor-independent centralized management, optimization, visualization and orchestration with the introduction of the Radio Interface Controllers (RICs). Two RICs have been defined, and although they share the same name, they are quite different in nature and ambition.

From my experience, as an operator at Telefonica or as advisor and consultant at Bell Canada or Deutsche Telekom or from my time at NEC as global VP Product Management overlooking the development and partnerships surrounding open RAN products, or as an independent analyst researching the market, I have derived a unique perspective on the maturity and effectiveness of open RAN, RICs and Apps. This report examines the architecture, strength, drawbacks of open RAN RICs and apps as well as provides an inventory of the main players in the space.


  • 100 pages
  • 40 diagrams
  • Open RAN, RIC, xApps, rApps technologies overview
  • Companies mentioned: ATT, Accelleran, Aira Technologies, AirHop Communications, Airspan Networks, Capgemini, Cohere Technologies, NTT DOCOMO, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Juniper Networks, Mavenir, Nokia, Northeastern University, Parallel Wireless, Rakuten Symphony, Samsung Electronics, VMware, Vodafone, ...
  • Prominent vendors profiles with products, deployments, differentiators
  • Online or in person workshop featuring personalized market review, companies capabilities ranking, strength, weaknesses analysis available

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1 comment:

  1. Good compliation on status of Open RAN , RIC and x/r apps maturity , key contributor, vendors and early deployment , currently faced challenges of interoperability. But slowing down momentum is to be arrested by all stakeholders.


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